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Your request has been resolved.

We have investigated and addressed your request. If you have follow-up questions or believe the issue has still not been resolved, please call us directly at 800-367-7623.

You reported a



Jun 29, 2015

It is currently


Address: Arlington Boulevard Arlington, VA 22203
Comments: Sidewalk along Route 50 is covered with debris and overgrown with growth. Unsafe for pedestrians. This is common along...

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long does it take to review my request?

Service requests are reviewed by the field office on a case by case basis. There are many reasons why your service request may take time to resolve. Some common reasons are:

  • The field office is primarily responsible for scheduled maintenance work and any emergencies that arise.
  • The work load at each field office is different. Each office considers service requests as quickly as possible.
  • The work that needs to be done requires specific equipment or resources that require some lead time to schedule.
  • The work is weather-dependent (e.g. potholes cannot be completely repaired during the cold winter months).
  • The investigation or resolution involves an external party (e.g. county office), and we need to work with their schedule as well.

The Customer Service Center allows 14 business days before updating an existing service request.

Why was my request not able to be processed?

We do not process requests most often when they fall outside our jurisdiction, for instance when a request is located on a road that VDOT does not maintain. If you would like to know more about why your request was rejected, please call us at 800-367-7623.

I still have a question.

Follow up with an agent directly by calling 800-367-7623.